
Premier Event

Premier Event...well for me it is a Premier Event. No cameras, commentators, red carpet, name on the nightly news, fancy-schmancy ball gown, botox and five inch heels. Fact is, I am sitting here at the computer in my gardening clothes, flip flops, grass clippings clinging to the soles and eating cookies blamed on a grand case of "nerves." But nevertheless this posting is a Premier Event for this blog.

For ever so long, way back to when we lived in Maryland, I have tinkered with the idea of offering paintings directly for purchase on my blog and website. Yays, Nays, asking opinions of others,  self-talk,  research, indecision,  wondering if I could keep it up, would it change my blog's intent which is just to connect and add a smile to your face. SOOOO after much soul searching and taking many things into consideration, my intention  (working word here is INTENTION) is: I will post at most once a week a Petite Painting. By petite I refer to 8 x 10, 10 x 10, 8 x 8 oil painting. The designs will be varied and reflect what I am interested in at the moment. Included will be a stand to hold painting on a desk, table top, shelf or small corner in your home needing a spot of color and attention.  You can also choose to frame. Each size painting sells for the same low price of 125.00.

My gift to you: NO shipping or handling charges. (If I set up the paypal account correctly!!!! smile at this point...eat another cooky.) 

I like to think of this new adventure as a gift to you, my wonderful readers. An original piece of art....ready for display...at an affordable price.

So without further adieu... here is the first Premier Petite Painting....and cross my fingers that Paypal works like a charm. Okay time for yet another cooky!

Parisian Fresh Market 

Tucked into the heart of Paris, is a quaint corner market, filled with fresh produce and flowers. The owner has used their creative license to paint the walls a lush turquoise, adding a wonderful lavender awning. You can't help but want to smell, touch and linger.

Parisian French Market
Oil on panel. 8 x 8 with stand.
125.00 includes shipping.


  1. Oh - this is beautiful!! What a great idea!!!

  2. This is gorgeous and what a fantastic idea. You know I will be watching so I can get the right original for our new home.


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I appreciate the time you take to say hello. Warmly, Sharon