Roses are Red,
Violets are blue
Children are sweet
And love ART, too!
Happy Valentines from the Boys and Girls Club
Two weeks before Valentines and all through the room, were the sounds of crinkling tissue and paper being clipped.
Soft pastel was sketched on banners filled with hearts and hands.
No one could resist the tactile softness of smearing pastel.
Glue was applied by finger or brush. One cutie pie accidentally popped the lid off the Elmer's Glue and glue flooded down her new jeans and dripped into her "Lugg" boots.
We nearly set off the fire alarm over that one!!!!
One afternoon was devoted to creating valentines for loved ones and friends.
They sure had a whole lot of friends, as fingers were flying creating little cards for giving.
Some didn't forget a special card for a mommy or daddy.
The "teens" at the club put on a Valentine party for the "young ones" meaning those in elementary school.
Games, pizza, and staying an extra hour at the club.
Valentine Day was spent driving to North Carolina,
to visit Kayla, Luke, Hunter and Molly.
We haven't seen Luke since November. What a BIG boy he is!!! Personality, smiles and appetite galore! His smile melts a grandparent's heart.
One doesn't walk very far holding Luke, sitting is much easier and safer.
We all think he will be crawling in March!
Miss Kayla welcomed us with adorable handmade Valentines all covered in candy hearts. Not a single candy heart was missing!
But in this photo, it would appear that she is getting away with something...hmm, maybe eating all those gorgeous blue and green "PEEPS."
Or perhaps it is Luke who is munching the PEEPS! He looks like he will keep his secret for awhile longer.
Howard had some needed dental work done, spent one day driving around the Carolina countryside and playing with Kayla and Luke.
Sharon was painting at a workshop, meeting more southern artists, and enjoying her Carolina artist friend, another Sharon.
Sharon invited Sharon and a few other workshop attendees to her home for wine and "good old cold water," a tour of her home, studio and art and then dinner at a Thai restaurant.
It was so much fun to go out with the painting ladies!
Southern women are gracious, friendly and lovely to be around.
The workshop was successful.
Evenings were mostly spent at home with the children, tucking them in bed at night, reading and playing hide and seek. Grammy hid so well from Kayla, that when Kayla finally found her, and Grammy yelled "boo!" Kayla promptly shrieked and fell down on her bottom. We laughed a long time over that one.
Our last day in Charlotte we drove to where Hunter has his dental practice, and ate at his favorite BBQ restaurant. Pretty good fare, especially tangy coleslaw on top of BBQ pork.
Later in the evening we all went to see Madagascar at the dollar theater. Luke slept through the movie, along with Grammy, who was all tuckered out!
Then the long drive Havre de Grace
taking with us sweet memories of a special Valentine week with Family.
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