
It Happens

What is a girl to do? It comes around once a year, as regular as the sun rises, the dreaded “B” word. Now for some it is a Celebration. For some it is a sense of growing up. For some it is a gripping sense of fear. For some it is a bother and annoyance. (We can put her in the latter category.) For today it is HER Birthday!

Nothing special like 20, 30, 40, 50, or 100 years more mature. It is just an ordinary birthday but on an extraordinary day.

HER morning started early when the sun played peek- a-boo behind the lingering  clouds, which dropped 21 inches of pure pristine snow. Before her spread a magnificent Birthday cake, with thick, creamy marzipan frosting draped over every little bump and crevice. Mother Nature had provided HER with an once-in-a-lifetime Celebration Cake.

What could she do but RUN and get HER camera, put on some slippers, and head outside. Hmmm slow down, not so easy; it was a challenge as the snow had drifted into every nook and cranny, creating a challenge to open a door. But this was a Birthday girl on a mission!

The whole white world was one magnificent present. A feast for the senses: the sound of rustling bare limbs flicking off their coat of snow; the sight of a white world with no blemishes just rays of blue and lavender, spindly gray-black trees forming perimeters, like guards at attention; the glacial feel of the snow that numbs one’s fingers and fogs up camera lens; and the smell of Purity.

I heard from a pretty good source that the girl had a rather spectacular birthday and decided to not be so annoyed next year.

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