

Althea Marie Johnson Sorensen
Sharon Dail Sorensen
Great-Grandma Mimi~~Grammy Sharon
A sun-drenched "gathering" room scattered with MOTHERS,
from decades of child bearing; kissing tender hurts;
scheduling omnipresent activities;
car pooling; silently weeping through private trials;
protecting from slights and harm; earning wages; sheltering/protecting physically
mentally and spiritually;
laughing 'til sick-crying 'till dehydrated;
reaching for the Golden Ring to give their child.
Wrinkles like so many "worry beads" grace the prolapsed faces;
cloudy eyes covering, hiding so many memories...

..memories that drift in and out of consciousness,

years having worn the edges away.

Each woman is a single soul,

a single story,

a single history,

a rich and complex tapestry of living life.


SOLO in birth.

SOLO in birthing.

SOLO in death.

The sun-drenched gathering room, a tapestry,

is hemmed in pending fear, death, complacency;

welcomed by some, fought by others.

Underneath the worn and frayed covering

is a resilient BATTING,
a rich thickness composed by LIVING.

We spent our last afternoon at Alta Ridge

visiting Grandma Mimi and her fellow "house-mates."

A group of beautiful young women, choosing to live their lives
with care and compassion visit with the residents,
SING to them,
GRACED the afternoon with a GIFT of LOVE.
Young women from Job's Daughters
Evelyn Swain Furner Velma Howard Furner my BEAUTIFUL MOTHERS.

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