
Sugar and Vitamin C

What did you do in December when family and friends gathered around?
Some go to movies, some go out to eat, others it is shopping, and I imagine that there are those who go for manicures and such delights.
What did we do?  
For example, four kiddos and one Grandpa, making MARSHMALLOWS.

Have you ever prepared "homemade" marshmallows? Let's say that the fun part is licking the spoons, as opposed to washing the pan.

Then there is...

Finding an area conducive to FORMING and EMBELLISHING the set marshmallow (it takes at least 6 hours!) was next. Plastic table cloth, move chairs with cushions AWAY, set out plates of powdered cocoa, sprinkles, mint chips, powdered sugar, cookie cutters...nothing MESSY, mind you. 

We started out nice and tidy...??  No dustings of powder sugar on noses and such.

 The marshmallow, after resting in a pan, forms a soft, yummy sheet of mallow heaven.

Squeeeeeez the cookie cutters to maximize number of marshmallows...yes, they got to keep what they made. This became a serious, almost mathematical, equation. 

Okay things are getting interesting...flip flop one's marshmallow into "topping" of choice. Of course one little boy who will remain nameless, THREW, with his baseball arm, his marshmallows into the powdered cocoa...coating everyone and everything with brown freckles.

Creations go into plastic sacks...

No that isn't MUD on her hands,  just a creative mix of cocoa and powder sugar with sprinkles stuck into the mix. 

And on one's face.  
She promises she didn't lick anything !!!

Messy it is, but so much fun licking fingers coated with sprinkles, mint chips and powder sugar.
And that is where VITAMIN C comes into the story.

A few days later we visited our local Asian Market...
Upon entering, there was a huge wooden bin of oranges. A sign made note that these oranges were sold with attached leaves!!!

Brilliant orange with glossy green leaves, bumpy skin, and a name I can't spell.

We filled a bag with the oranges with the prettiest leaves.

Chinese New Year is approaching very soon. This year it is the Rooster's turn.  

We were redeemed, after all that sugary fun, we could indulge in VITAMIN C.
And yes the oranges were delicious, in fact SUPER SWEET !!!


May this particular year bring you inner happiness, connectedness with others and those experiences that bring you contentment and joy. 
And may we in America be aware of those with less,  being supportive of their needs. 
And seek freedom from tyranny about the World. 

smiles: sharon


  1. It has never even occurred to me that you could MAKE marshmallows! I guess I just assumed it took some magical industrial equipment and process to create them. It looks like a fun time for all concerned...except maybe for whoever had to clean up afterwards! Wishing you and yours a wonderful, happy and creative 2017!

  2. My goodness the marshmallow recipe was delicious. So much better than the store bought. BUT it was a bit messy! Didn't deter the kids however. If you are ever short of time, give it a try. Short of time, are you kidding? smiles to you. Sharon


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