
How to Lose Ten Pounds

I hear many women lament, "If only I could lose TEN POUNDS!"
There is a way to painlessly slip BURDENSOME POUNDS.  

In the beginning you shall need to relax and drift like down floating away  from Mother Dandelion.  Join me in leaving behind the air sucking humidity and oppressive heat of North Carolina.  Float a bit...

relax, breathe, gaze
drift, soar, meditate
into iceberg clouds.
Shrouded in silent gauze
 we travel two thousand miles before Earth plays peek-a-boo.
Leaving our steel chamber isolation, we step forth into the most brilliant sunlight and welcome dry mountain air of the Wasatch Front.
Instantly we feel TEN POUNDS lighter. No longer bound in humidity, one's spirits lighten, one feels lithe and eager for adventure.

Hewing logs, pulling sage, the early pioneers didn't have TEN POUNDS to shed.
Isolation, open vistas, sunlight showering down like crystals on a chandelier
silence, only the whistling wind, the bellowing of animals and the hum of wasps.
Unbounded time to watch the Wild Flowers with Sunshine Faces slowly dance their meandering routine
catching each ray of pure air.
Cedar smoke, tilled virgin soil, gray-green mountains of desert Sage
time to drift under the Creator's hand, to think and offer thanks, quiet, stillness, alone-ness, at one-ness,
interrupted only by the bellowing of cows or the rock hard gallop of Pony Express riders, bottoms as solid as the leather they sit upon. 
Oh, Pioneer. Did your Dreams, Wishes and Prayers come true?
Your strength, resolve, commitment, fearlessness set a high standard.

I feel TEN POUNDS lighter knowing you led the way.

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