
The Big Bang

Are your ears still ringing?
Is your heart still palpitating as the flags passed by?
Are you feeling over indulged by BBQ, corn-on-the-cob and vanilla ice cream spilling over with whipping cream, strawberries and blueberries?
Still tapping your toes to Patriotic Songs?
Feeling bedazzled by flaring fireworks?

It is all pretty grand this country of OURS.

Who do you think enjoys America's
Fourth of July
Kids or Grown Up Kids
I vote for the combination!

"It has got to start soon. I am getting pretty hot sitting here waiting!"

"Yay, hose squirting! I hope I get drenched."

Sights, Sounds, Colors and Fun.

"Ah, what a day. Too bad I fell asleep during the fireworks!"

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