Seriously, anyone reading the next post or two, needs to know that I am experimenting!! Like really experimenting.
You see, we are going to visit our son and family in Singapore. Yes, totally excited, Yes, totally appreciative of this opportunity.
There will be so much to share, especially the beware part.......I am trying to figure out how to post a blog from an iPad!!! Found this (right now very frustrating app) called Blogsy.
Spent the afternoon trying to make it work, writing blog after blog...well I lost the drafts, then posted something that was totally blank, finally i Pad ran out of battery. Hair was flying.
Tomorrow is a new day. I will try again. You see I am allergic to reading too many directions. So I know it will help somewhat, if I take an "allergy" pill and settle down.
As a "peace offering" for letting me rant, here are a few goodies to share:
PAINT SAVERS these are pretty cool plastic caps to cover your acrylic or oil paint between painting sessions. I have already saved a ton of paint using these. (click on name)
CATHY JOHNSON is a writer/naturalist/artist. She is a prolific artist in watercolor, pen and ink, sketching. If you love to sketch, beginner to advanced, visit her website (click on her name). She has tips, techniques and so many FREE tutorials it will keep you busy for a long long time. She is a world renown much to learn
You can find her books on Amazon.
(I am not an affiliate)
JUDY WISE is a multi-talented artist who excels in many mediums: plaster, encaustics, acrylic and mixed media. She has published one book on plaster, and several e-books. As a bonus, Judy is an avid---since childhood---journalist. Prolific is an understatement. Loads of inspiration on her blog site: enjoy her beautiful works of art, journals and unbelievable garden. You can order her e-books on her site. (click on her name)
Lucky Ducky me...this weekend I will be taking a two day journaling workshop with Judy in Wilmington, NC, almost in my back yard. I will be sure to post what I accomplish.
Two unfinished paintings are on my easel as I write, waiting patiently for me to complete them. ( If I share them, maybe they will get finished!!!!!) I started both paintings in acrylic with freehand designs, stencils, paper collage, slowly adding depth and texture. The fun details will be completed with oil. That is for tomorrow.
(Maybe I won't fuss with Blogsy, the computer is SO MUCH EASIER!!!!)
Heart Thought: ah all the angst is surely is easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of technology! Lesson Learned.
Ah, technology - gotta love it and hate it! So happy for you and your upcoming trip. I simply adore your latest unfinished paintings - all those stenciled/wallpaper-looking textured patterns. As always, I am in awe of your vision.