
Bonding Bruder to Sistah

Little Spirits slip and slide down the chute of life, spilling out upon the broad shoulders of Planet Earth. Like endless drops of rain, spirits spill pell-mell, tumbling everywhere. Is life random or predestined? One shimmering Spirit drops into the calloused brown hands of a woman living in squalor, a make-shift tent for shelter in the hot Sudan sun. With staccato quickness another Spirit slips quietly into the waiting arms of a Chinese couple who lost their only child in the devastating Sichuan, China earthquake. In Pakistan the newly born infant is lifted high above the head of the proud father, dressed in his best salwar kameez, who ritualistically drops the new baby into the upstretched arms of male family members. No mother is present. At this same moment, high in the red sandstone plateaus of America a gentle Spirit arrives at his earthily Native American home. He will quickly receive his totem, the Spirit of a particular animal that will protect this child on its long Earth-Journey. In Baltimore a street-wise, homeless 16 year old girl labors to birth a baby born addicted to her own addictions
. Magnificent Celestial Spirits dropped to Earth on this day to experience Mortality.
What does it mean to have a baby bruder? Fascination, wonder, curiosity, scary, change, restaint, sharing, touching, softness....
and the first budding wings of Love.
We will share this walk on Earth as a family. I will protect you.
This little Spirit slipped into our home, warmly welcomed and immediately cherished. All is well with our little part of the world.
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  1. Oh Sharon, that was beautiful. Just beautiful. I am teary eyed. What an interesting thought to ponder.

  2. thanks for documenting our life events so nicely! have fun on your trip.


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