
Gratitude Flags

Would you agree that we are never too young to express gratitude, to show appreciation?
Our six year old granddaughter, unfailingly says "Thank You."
A three year old grandson mumbles, "Muhmore, Muhmore, Puhlease"
Twelve year old, granddaughter creates a special pie before going to play. 

Little words and small actions of appreciation
bring heart-happiness.

We have been out in the Pink Chicken Studio creating
fabric flags, to express our love for others. 

Busy Little Bees
stamping, lettering, coloring, scribbling
torn streamers from old paint cloths.

Each "artist" in their own way, is writing a message
of appreciation and best wishes.

We are now hours before our family 
Thanks-Giving Celebration
busy baking pies, being big helpers,
and hanging our Gratitude Flags

The coolish, wind is whipping our messages out to all.

Have a deeply satisfying day of Thanks-Giving.

May there be Peace and Plenty where it is most needed.


  1. I love your gratitude flags...what a wonderful project...I've never heard of doing that and I love it!

  2. What a beautiful way to 'honor' the holiday of 'thanks'giving!!! Hope yours was wonderful...:-)!

  3. oh sharon,

    your tree wearing each flag of gratitude SINGS out with the beauty of grateful hearts!

    thank you for being a person so infused with love and kindness that you would encourage the voice of gratitude in the hearts of all your littles. such a gift you are, in all you do and in all those you touch!

  4. Wonderful Sharon, happy holidays to you and your family! Love the gratitude flags!!So great for family participation!!!
    xx Susan


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