
I Think I Can, I Think I Can, I Think I Can....

Whoa Bill, or should I say, Carla?
This is a whole lot of faces to do on
So here goes:
 Today the assignment was similar to yesterday.
Working from any photos we can find, we sketched the faces.
Not too hard, but we weren't to sneak peeks too often at the original source.  
Oops missed naming a few. I will let you do that.

Tried using colored markers. They really feel different! Once I stepped back from trusty black and white.
I actually rather liked the color. 

This was my favorite assignment until I messed it up big time!
Working with ink and droppers, scooting the ink around to make an impression.  My inks weren't quite the right ones, so got varying degrees of success???  
But then I blew it. I waited FOREVER for the ink to dry, then glued into my sketchbook. Thinking I would be clever and roll with a brayer to really glue them down...what I thought was DRY INK wasn't and so I did the BIG SMEAR TANGO!!!

But I still love the lady in blue, cranky lady in yellow..and totally ambivalent about the last two, sorry I glued into my book.
They will remind me to try harder.

This has proven to be a really big project. But fun!
Carla has new classes forming right now, if you are interested.

1 comment:

  1. Sharon - love how you have drawn on paint chip cards! What a great idea to add some background color and interest to your sketches. I love paint chip cards - all those lovely colors ordered into color families, with beautiful graduations from light to dark. Plus great names. I like how you have captured personality in each of your faces.


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I appreciate the time you take to say hello. Warmly, Sharon